

Abstract #18490 Published in IGR 3-3

Neuroretinal rim width in normal, hypertensive and glaucomatous subjects

Larrosa JM; Polo V; Pinilla I; Gonzalvo F; Perez S; Honrubia FM
Archivos de la Sociedad Espaņola de Oftalmologia 2001; 76: 673-678

PURPOSE: To determine width and shape of the neuroretinal rim in normal hypertensive subjects and patients with glaucomatous damage. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients underwent perimetry and photographic retinal nerve fiber evaluation. They were divided in three groups: normal subjects (n = 34), ocular hypertension subjects (n = 38), and glaucoma patients (n = 34). Neuroretinal rim was measured using 40° stereoscopic photographs with the center in the optic nerve head, based on a biomorphometry technique. RESULTS: In normal subjects, the neuroretinal rim appeared wider in the lower pole, followed by the upper, nasal, and temporal aspects. The optic nerve fiber layer showed decreased thickness in hypertensive and glaucoma patients, particularly in the temporal aspect sectors of the optic nerve (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A planimetry study of the optic nerve is able to detect alterations in normal neuroretinal rim configuration and can also detect thinning of the rim, particularly in the temporal, upper, and lower areas. LA: Spanish

Dr J.M. Larrosa, Servicio de Oftalmologia, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Zaragoza, Spain


2.14 Optic disc (Part of: 2 Anatomical structures in glaucoma)

Issue 3-3

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