

Abstract #49287 Published in IGR 14-1

Automated Quantification of Optic Nerve Axons in Primate Glaucomatous and Normal Eyes - Method and Comparison to Semi-automated Manual Quantification

Reynaud J; Cull GA; Wang L; Fortune B; Gardiner SK; Burgoyne CF; Cioffi G
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 2951-2959

PURPOSE: To describe an algorithm and software application (APP) for 100% optic nerve (ON) axon counting and to compare its performance to a semi-automated manual (SAM) method in optic nerve cross-section images (images) from normal and experimental glaucoma (EG) non-human primate (NHP) eyes. METHODS: ON cross-sections from 8 EG eyes from 8 NHPs, 5 EG and 5 normal eyes from 5 NHPs, and 12 normal eyes from 12 NHPs were imaged at 100X. Calibration (n=500) and validation (n=50) image sets ranging from normal to end-stage damage were assembled. Correlation between APP and SAM axon counts was assessed by Deming regression within the calibration set and a compensation formula was generated to account for the subtle, systematic differences. Then, compensated APP counts for each validation image were compared to the mean and 95% confidence interval of 5 SAM counts of the validation set performed by a single observer. RESULTS: Calibration set APP counts linearly correlated to SAM counts (APP = 10.77+1.03(SAM), R2 =0.94, p<0.0001) in normal to end-stage damage images. In the validation set, compensated APP counts fell within the 95% confidence interval of the SAM counts in 42 of the 50 images and were within 12 axons of the confidence intervals in 6 of the 8 remaining images. Uncompensated axon density maps for the normal and EG eyes of a representative NHP were generated. CONCLUSIONS: An APP for 100% ON axon counts has been calibrated and validated relative to SAM counts in normal and EG NHP eyes.

Legacy Health System, Devers Eye Institute, TX, USA.

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5.2 Primates (Part of: 5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models)
2.15 Optic nerve (Part of: 2 Anatomical structures in glaucoma)

Issue 14-1

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