

Abstract #97976 Published in IGR 22-4

Comparison of Comorbid Associations and Ocular Complications in Herpes Simplex and Zoster Keratitis

Rosenberg CR; Abazari A; Chou TY; Weissbart SB
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 2022; 30: 57-61

A retrospective chart review examined adult patients with herpes simplex (HSV) and zoster (HZO) keratitis at a single institution. Patients who suffered a poor outcome (defined as visually significant corneal scarring, neurotrophic keratitis, secondary glaucoma, or requiring corneal surgery) were identified and each outcome type was analyzed in relation to age, sex, diabetes mellitus, immunosuppression, and a prior history of ≥2 ocular procedures.Advanced age, diabetes mellitus, and a prior history of ≥2 ocular procedures may be risk factors for poor outcomes in HSV, but not HZO, keratitis. In HSV, older age and DM were specifically associated with visually significant corneal scarring, while older age and male sex were associated with secondary glaucoma. Future prospective studies are warranted to determine the ideal management (including prophylaxis) in patients with these characteristics.

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