

Abstract #98914 Published in IGR 22-4

Spontaneous lens resorption in a patient with Marshall-Stickler Syndrome and glaucoma

George J; Cole E; Edward DP; Mocan MC
American journal of ophthalmology case reports 2022; 25: 101406

PURPOSE: The purpose of this case report is to describe the increased fragility of anterior capsule in patients with the rare genetic disease Marshall-Stickler syndrome. OBSERVATIONS: We describe a 3-year old patient with Marshall-Stickler Syndrome and congenital glaucoma treated with glaucoma drainage implant placement who subsequently developed spontaneous lens resorption in one eye, which was noted incidentally during one follow-up appointment. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPORTANCE: It is hypothesized that the lens material left the eye through the glaucoma drainage implant over time. This process was not associated with elevation of intraocular pressures or inflammation and did not require subsequent surgery to remove any residual lens fragments, which has not been reported before to the best of the authors' knowledge.

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States.

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