

15 Miscellaneous (6)

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21328 Health literacy and vision-related quality of life
Muir KW; Santiago-Turla C; Stinnett SS; Herndon LW; Allingham RR; Challa P; Lee PP
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 779-782
20952 Use of a standardized patient satisfaction questionnaire to assess the quality of care provided by ophthalmology residents
Jagadeesan R; Kalyan DN; Lee P; Stinnett S; Challa P
Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 738-743
21322 Functional health literacy in patients with glaucoma in urban settings
Juzych MS; Randhawa S; Shukairy A; Kaushal P; Gupta A; Shalauta N
Archives of Ophthalmology 2008; 126: 718-724
21124 A different type of medicine: Women's experiences with ophthalmic diseases in rural and urban Tamil Nadu, India
Subramanian KM
Health Care Woman Int 2008; 29: 400-415
21043 Socioeconomic profile of individuals presenting with glaucoma in the service of ophthalmology of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - Minas Gerais - Brazil
Ramalho CM; Ribeiro LN; Olivieri LS; da Silva JA; Vale TC; Duque W de P
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 2007; 70: 809-813
21309 Glaucoma risk and the consumption of fruits and vegetables among older women in the study of osteoporotic fractures
Coleman AL; Stone KL; Kodjebacheva G; Yu F; Pedula KL; Ensrud KE; Cauley JA; Hochberg MC; Topouzis F; Badala F
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 145: 1081-1089

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