

Journal of Neurochemistry 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts in Journal of Neurochemistry

22794 Axonal degeneration and regeneration: A mechanistic tug-of-war
Hilliard MA
Journal of Neurochemistry 2009; 108: 23-32
22795 The complement cascade: Yin-Yang in neuroinflammation - Neuro-protection and -degeneration
Alexander JJ; Anderson AJ; Barnum SR; Stevens B; Tenner AJ
Journal of Neurochemistry 2008; 107: 1169-1187
22793 Modulation of pro-survival and death-associated pathways under retinal ischemia/reperfusion: Effects of NMDA receptor blockade
Russo R; Cavaliere F; Berliocchi L; Nucci C; Gliozzi M; Mazzei C; Tassorelli C; Corasaniti MT; Rotiroti D; Bagetta G
Journal of Neurochemistry 2008; 107: 1347-1357

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