

Eye 23

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23903 Impact of direct electronic optometric referral with ocular imaging to a hospital eye service
Cameron JR; Ahmed S; Curry P; Forrest G; Sanders R
Eye 2009; 23: 1134-1140
23898 Population-based prevalence of optic disc haemorrhages in elderly Japanese
Tomidokoro A; Iwase A; Araie M; Yamamoto T; Kitazawa Y
Eye 2009; 23: 1032-1037
23982 Influence of age, central corneal thickness, and quality score on dynamic contour tonometry
Jordăo ML; Lupinacci AP; Ferreira EL; Enomoto IJ; Costa VP
Eye 2009; 23: 1364-1369
23900 Interexaminer and intraexaminer reliability of the microperimeter MP-1
Weingessel B; Sacu S; Vécsei-Marlovits PV; Weingessel A; Richter-Mueksch S; Schmidt-Erfurth U
Eye 2009; 23: 1052-1058
23980 Effects of scan circle displacement in optical coherence tomography retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measurement: a RNFL modelling study
Cheung CY; Yiu CK; Weinreb RN; Lin D; Li H; Yung AY; Pang CP; Lam DS; Leung CK
Eye 2009; 23: 1436-1441
23925 Hyperfluorescence of the optic disc with indocyanine green angiography
Maaijwee K; van den Biesen PR; van Meurs JC
Eye 2009; 23: 819-821
23927 Topical phenylephrine decreases blood velocity in the optic nerve head and increases resistive index in the retinal arteries
Takayama J; Mayama C; Mishima A; Nagahara M; Tomidokoro A; Araie M
Eye 2009; 23: 827-834
23918 Correlation of previous acute angle-closure attack with extent of synechial angle closure in chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma patients
Tham CC; Lai JS; Kwong YY; Lam SW; Chan JC; Chiu TY; Lam DS
Eye 2009; 23: 920-923
23894 Risk factors for early angle-closure disease in a Burmese population: the Meiktila Eye Study
Casson RJ; Marshall D; Newland HS; McGovern S; Muecke J; Tan EW; Selva D; Aung T
Eye 2009; 23: 933-939
23926 Evaluation of the change in accommodation amplitude in subjects with pseudoexfoliation
Yavas GF; Oztürk F; Küsbeci T; Inan UU; Kaplan U; Ermi? SS
Eye 2009; 23: 822-826
23897 Intravitreal bevacizumab and augmented trabeculectomy for neovascular glaucoma in young diabetic patients
Cornish KS; Ramamurthi S; Saidkasimova S; Ramaesh K
Eye 2009; 23: 979-981
23896 Graves' orbitopathy: frequency of ocular hypertension and glaucoma
da Silva FL; de Lourdes Veronese Rodrigues M; Akaishi PM; Cruz AA
Eye 2009; 23: 957-959
23491 Ocular and systemic factors associated with diabetes mellitus in the adult population in rural and urban China. The Beijing Eye Study
Xu L; Xie XW; Wang YX; Jonas JB
Eye 2009; 23: 676-682
23899 Optic disc cupping after optic neuritis evaluated with optic coherence tomography
Rebolleda G; Noval S; Contreras I; Arnalich-Montiel F; García-Perez JL; Muńoz-Negrete FJ
Eye 2009; 23: 890-894
23924 Bimatoprost/timolol fixed combination vs latanoprost/timolol fixed combination in open-angle glaucoma patients
Martinez A; Sanchez M
Eye 2009; 23: 810-818
23902 Persistency with medical treatment for glaucoma and ocular hypertension in the United Kingdom: 1994-2005
Owen CG; Carey IM; De Wilde S; Whincup PH; Wormald R; Cook DG
Eye 2009; 23: 1098-1110
23893 Barriers to adherence with glaucoma medications: a qualitative research study
Lacey J; Cate H; Broadway DC
Eye 2009; 23: 924-932
23904 Trends in rates of trabeculectomy in England
Keenan TD; Salmon JF; Yeates D; Goldacre MJ
Eye 2009; 23: 1141-1149
23981 Clinical outcomes after Ahmed valve implantation in refractory paediatric glaucoma
Yang HK; Park KH
Eye 2009; 23:1427-1435
23901 Early bleb leak after trabeculectomy and prognosis for bleb failure
Alwitry A; Rotchford A; Patel V; Abedin A; Moodie J; King AJ
Eye 2009; 23: 858-863
23895 Penetrating keratoplasty for bullous keratopathy after trabeculectomy
Fukuoka S; Honda N; Usui T; Inoue K; Yamagami S; Araie M; Amano S
Eye 2009; 23: 940-944
23891 Changes in visual function after intraocular pressure reduction using antiglaucoma medications
Prata TS; Piassi MV; Melo LA Jr
Eye 2009; 23: 1081-1085
23909 The influence of socioeconomic and clinical factors upon the presenting visual field status of patients with glaucoma
Sukumar S; Spencer F; Fenerty C; Harper R; Henson D
Eye 2009; 23: 1038-1044

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