

Duplancic D 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display only abstracts from Duplancic D in IGR 13-3

46712 Importance of circulating platelet aggregates and haemodynamic changes in ophthalmic artery and progression of visual field loss at pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
Rogosic V; Bojic L; Rogosic LV; Titlic M; Lesin M; Kovacic Z; Poljak K; Duplancic D
Collegium Antropologicum 2011; 35: 477-482 (IGR: 13-3)

26426 Role of haematological testing: ratio values of circulating platelet aggregates in visual field loss associated with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
Rogosic V; Bojic L; Karaman K; Vanjaka RL; Titlic M; Plestina-Borijan I; Miljak S; Poljak K; Duplancic D
Bratisl Lek Listy 2010; 111: 325-328 (IGR: 12-3)

25927 Vitiligo and glaucoma - An association or a coincidence? A pilot study
Rogosic V; Bojic L; Puizina-Ivic N; Vanjaka-Rogosic L; Titlic M; Kovacevic D; Duplancic D; Sapunar D; Dogas Z
Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica 2010; 18: 21-26 (IGR: 12-2)

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