

Pfeiffer N 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display all abstracts from Pfeiffer N

51709 Serum and antibodies of glaucoma patients lead to changes in the proteome, especially cell regulatory proteins, in retinal cells
Bell K; Funke S; Pfeiffer N; Grus FH
PLoS ONE 2012; 7: e46910
52097 Enhanced insight into the autoimmune component of glaucoma: IgG autoantibody accumulation and pro-inflammatory conditions in human glaucomatous retina
Gramlich OW; Beck S; von Thun Und Hohenstein-Blaul N; Boehm N; Ziegler A; Vetter JM; Pfeiffer N; Grus FH
PLoS ONE 2013; 8: e57557
51710 Structure-function relationship between FDF, FDT, SAP, and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in glaucoma patients
Lamparter J; Russell RA; Schulze A; Schuff AC; Pfeiffer N; Hoffmann EM
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 7553-7559

Issue 14-4

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