
WGA Rescources

Zemborain ZZ 14

Showing records 1 to 14 | Display all abstracts from Zemborain ZZ

99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Zemborain ZZ
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
La Bruna S; Rai A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Tsamis E
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Rai A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Tsamis E; Tsamis E
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Mao G
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
La Bruna S
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Kerr J
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Leshno A; De Moraes CG
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Amin H
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Ritch R
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Zemborain ZZ; Leshno A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Hood DC
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Tsamis E; Tsamis E; Tsamis E; De Moraes CG; Hood DC
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18

Issue 22-4

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