

Leshno A 50

Showing records 1 to 25 | Display all abstracts from Leshno A

98959 Detecting glaucoma with only OCT: Implications for the clinic, research, screening, and AI development
Hood DC
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2022; 0: 101052
99296 Detection of Early Glaucomatous Damage: Performance of Summary Statistics From Optical Coherence Tomography and Perimetry
Tsamis E
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 36
99322 The 24-2 visual field Guided Progression Analysis can miss progression of glaucomatous damage of the macula seen with OCT
Hood DC
Ophthalmology. Glaucoma 2022; 5: 614-627
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Zemborain ZZ
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99296 Detection of Early Glaucomatous Damage: Performance of Summary Statistics From Optical Coherence Tomography and Perimetry
Tsamis E
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 36
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
La Bruna S
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99296 Detection of Early Glaucomatous Damage: Performance of Summary Statistics From Optical Coherence Tomography and Perimetry
Tsamis E
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 36
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Tsamis E
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99322 The 24-2 visual field Guided Progression Analysis can miss progression of glaucomatous damage of the macula seen with OCT
La Bruna S
Ophthalmology. Glaucoma 2022; 5: 614-627
98959 Detecting glaucoma with only OCT: Implications for the clinic, research, screening, and AI development
La Bruna S
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2022; 0: 101052
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Tsamis E
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Rai A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
Tsamis E
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99296 Detection of Early Glaucomatous Damage: Performance of Summary Statistics From Optical Coherence Tomography and Perimetry
La Bruna S
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 36
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Rai A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99322 The 24-2 visual field Guided Progression Analysis can miss progression of glaucomatous damage of the macula seen with OCT
Tsamis E
Ophthalmology. Glaucoma 2022; 5: 614-627
99296 Detection of Early Glaucomatous Damage: Performance of Summary Statistics From Optical Coherence Tomography and Perimetry
Leshno A
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 36
98959 Detecting glaucoma with only OCT: Implications for the clinic, research, screening, and AI development
Tsamis E
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2022; 0: 101052
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Mao G
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18
99322 The 24-2 visual field Guided Progression Analysis can miss progression of glaucomatous damage of the macula seen with OCT
Tsamis E
Ophthalmology. Glaucoma 2022; 5: 614-627
98959 Detecting glaucoma with only OCT: Implications for the clinic, research, screening, and AI development
Tsamis E
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2022; 0: 101052
99137 Distinguishing Healthy from Glaucomatous Eyes with OCT Global Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber (cpRNFL) Thickness in the Bottom 5th Percentile
La Bruna S
Journal of Glaucoma 2022; 31: 529-539
99322 The 24-2 visual field Guided Progression Analysis can miss progression of glaucomatous damage of the macula seen with OCT
Tsamis E
Ophthalmology. Glaucoma 2022; 5: 614-627
98959 Detecting glaucoma with only OCT: Implications for the clinic, research, screening, and AI development
Tsamis E
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2022; 0: 101052
99114 The OCT RNFL Probability Map and Artifacts Resembling Glaucomatous Damage
Kerr J
Translational vision science & technology 2022; 11: 18

Issue 22-4

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