
WGA Rescources

Giannouladis K 3

Showing records 1 to 3 | Display only abstracts from Giannouladis K in IGR 22-4

99335 One-year surgical outcomes of the PreserFlo MicroShunt in glaucoma: a multicentre analysis
Tanner A; Haddad F; Fajardo-Sanchez J; Fajardo-Sanchez J; Nguyen E; Thong KX; Ah-Moye S; Perl N; Abu-Bakra M; Kulkarni A; Trikha S; Lascaratos G; Parnell M; Kailani O; King AJ; Agrawal P; Stead R; Giannouladis K; Rodrigues I; Goyal S; Hysi PG; Lim S; Yu-Wai-Man C
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 107: 1104-1111 (IGR: 22-4)

91162 Defining stable glaucoma: a Delphi consensus survey of UK optometrists with a specialist interest in Glaucoma
Lakhani BK; Giannouladis K; Leighton P; Spry PGD; Harper RA; King AJ
Eye 2020; 0: (IGR: 21-4)

82161 Seeking a practical definition of stable glaucoma: a Delphi consensus survey of UK glaucoma consultants
Lakhani BK; Giannouladis K; Leighton P; King AJ
Eye 2020; 34: 335-343 (IGR: 20-4)

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