

Ozmaie S 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display only abstracts from Ozmaie S in IGR 22-4

107732 The evaluation of the effect of tafluprost on the intraocular pressure of healthy male guinea pigs under different light-and-darkness regimes
Armin A; Arfaee F; Ozmaie S; Asghari A
Veterinary medicine and science 2023; 9: 1172-1178 (IGR: 23-4)

98690 Effect of Topically Applied 0.5% Apraclonidine Versus 0.5% Timolol Maleate on Intraocular Pressure of Healthy Horses
Ziadi A; Ozmaie S; Asghari A; Rajaei SM
Journal of equine veterinary science 2022; 111: 103886 (IGR: 22-4)

Issue 22-4

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