

Trueman DR 1

Showing records 1 to 1 | Display all abstracts from Trueman DR

98939 Bedtime versus morning use of antihypertensives for cardiovascular risk reduction (BedMed): protocol for a prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded end-point pragmatic trial
Garrison SR; Kolber MR; Allan GM; Bakal J; Green L; Singer A; Trueman DR; McAlister FA; Padwal RS; Hill MD; Manns B; McGrail K; O'Neill B; Greiver M; Froentjes LS; Manca DP; Mangin D; Wong ST; MacLean C; Kirkwood JE; McCracken R; McCormack JP; Norris C; Korownyk T
BMJ open 2022; 12: e059711

Issue 22-4

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