

9.2.2 Other risk factors for glaucoma (6)

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6292 Patterns of open-angle glaucoma in the Barbados Family Study
Leske MC; Nemesure B; He Q; Wu SY; Hejtmancik JF; Hennis A
Ophthalmology 2001; 108: 1015-1022
6419 Is open-angle glaucoma associated with early menopause? The Rotterdam Study
Hulsman CA; Westendorp IC; Ramrattan RS; Wolfs RC; Witteman JC; Vingerling JR; Hofman A; De Jong PT
American Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 154: 138-144
6420 Visual field indices as parameters for progression of glaucoma
Ichioka I; Ichioka T; Ichioka H
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2001; 55: 532-536
6421 Systemic circulatory parameters: comparison between patients with normal tension glaucoma and normal subjects using ambulatory monitoring
Kashiwagi K; Hosaka O; Kashiwagi F; Taguchi K; Mochizuki J; Ishii H; Ijiri H; Tamura K; Tsukahara S
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2001; 45: 388-396
6422 Risk factors for glaucoma progression: where does intraocular pressure fit in? (editorial)
Palmberg P
Archives of Ophthalmology 2001; 119: 897
6423 Clinical factors associated with progression of glaucomatous optic disc damage in treated patients
Tezel G; Siegmund KD; Trinkaus K; Wax MB; Kass MA; Kolker AE
Archives of Ophthalmology 2001; 119: 813-818

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