

12.12.3 Phacoemulsification (3)

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Display all abstracts in classification 12.12.3 Phacoemulsification

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14069 Phacoemulsification in patients with Baerveldt tube shunts
Erie JC; Baratz KH; Mahr MA; Johnson DH
Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2006; 32: 1489-1491
13963 Pigment release and secondary glaucoma after implantation of single-piece acrylic intraocular lenses in the ciliary sulcus
Uy HS; Chan PS
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2006; 142: 330-332
14162 Long-term intraocular pressure change after clear corneal phacoemulsification in Thai glaucoma patients
Leelachaikul Y; Euswas A
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 2005; 88 Suppl 9: S21-S25

Issue 8-3

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