

5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models (11)

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Display all abstracts in classification 5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models

Search within classification 5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models
14236 Effect of TNF-α on MMP3, MMP9 and TIMP-2 expression in cultured bovine trabecular cells
Wu Q; Zhang D-X; Li C; Qi X-Y
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2006; 6: 328-331
14284 Circadian variation of mouse aqueous humor protein
Zhou LX; Liu JHK
Molecular Vision 2006; 12: 639-643
14056 Melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells are more injury-resistant in a chronic ocular hypertension model
Li RS; Chen BY; Tay DK; Chan HH; Pu ML; So KF
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2006; 47: 2951-2958
14164 Muller glial cells express nestin coupled with glial fibrillary acidic protein in experimentally induced glaucoma in the rat retina
Xue LP; Lu J; Cao Q; Hu S; Ding P; Ling EA
Neuroscience 2006; 139: 723-732
14010 Optic nerve dynein motor protein distribution changes with intraocular pressure elevation in a rat model of glaucoma
Martin KR; Quigley HA; Valenta D; Kielczewski J; Pease ME
Experimental Eye Research 2006; 83: 255-262
14036 Human trabecular meshwork cells express functional serotonin-2A (5HT2A) receptors: role in IOP reduction
Sharif NA; Kelly CR; McLaughlin M
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2006; 47: 4001-4010
14011 The use of cyclodialysis to limit exposure to elevated intraocular pressure in rat glaucoma models
Johnson EC; Cepurna WO; Jia L; Morrison JC
Experimental Eye Research 2006; 83: 51-60
14225 Endothelin-1 impairs retrograde axonal transport and leads to axonal injury in rat optic nerve
Taniguchi T; Shimazawa M; Sasaoka M; Shimazaki A; Hara H
Current Neurovascular Research 2006; 3: 81-88
14330 Time course of age-dependent changes in intraocular pressure and retinal ganglion cell death in DBA/2J mice
Zhang X; Zhang M; Avila MY; Ge J; Laties AM
Eye Science 2006; 22: 184-189
14170 Possible association of glaucoma with pectinate ligament dysplasia and narrowing of the iridocorneal angle in Shiba Inu dogs in Japan
Kato K; Sasaki N; Matsunaga S; Mochizuki M; Nishimura R; Ogawa H
Veterinary Ophthalmology 2006; 9: 71-75
14009 Predictability and limitations of non-invasive murine tonometry: comparison of two devices
Filippopoulos T; Matsubara A; Danias J; Huang W; Dobberfuhl A; Ren L; Mittag T; Miller JW; Grosskreutz CL
Experimental Eye Research 2006; 83: 194-201

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