

9.1.1 Congenital glaucoma, Buphthalmos (5)

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Display all abstracts in classification 9.1.1 Congenital glaucoma, Buphthalmos

Search within classification 9.1.1 Congenital glaucoma, Buphthalmos
14285 Primary congenital glaucoma and Rieger's anomaly: Extended haplotypes reveal founder effects for eight distinct CYP1B1 mutations
Chavarria Soley G; Michels Rautenstrauss K; Pasutto F; Flikier D; Flikier P; Cirak S; Bejjani B; Winters DL; Lewis RA; Mardin C
Molecular Vision 2006; 12: 523-531
14237 A comparison study of the clinical features between Chinese and Indian primary congenital glaucoma patients
Li M; Chen X-M; Liu Y-L; Pan R-G; Liu D-J; Li N
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2006; 6: 282-290
14179 Structural changes of the anterior chamber angle in primary congenital glaucoma with respect to normal development
Rojas B; Ramirez AI; de Hoz R; Salazar JJ; Remirez JM; Trivino A
Archivos de la Sociedad Espaņola de Oftalmologia 2006; 81: 65-71
14198 A population-based case-control study of isolated primary congenital glaucoma
Vogt G; Horvath Puho E; Czeizel AE
American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A 2006; 140: 1148-1155
14128 Analysis of MYOC gene mutation in a Chinese glaucoma family with primary open-angle glaucoma and primary congenital glaucoma
Zhuo YH; Wang M; Wei YT; Huang YL; Ge J
Chinese Medical Journal 2006; 119: 1210-1214

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