

Abstract #105726 Published in IGR 23-3

Regulating microglial miR-155 transcriptional phenotype alleviates Alzheimer's-induced retinal vasculopathy by limiting Clec7a/Galectin-3 neurodegenerative microglia

Shi H; Yin Z; Koronyo Y; Fuchs DT; Sheyn J; Davis MR; Wilson JW; Margeta MA; Pitts KM; Herron S; Ikezu S; Ikezu T; Graham SL; Gupta VK; Black KL; Mirzaei M; Butovsky O; Koronyo-Hamaoui M
Acta neuropathologica communications 2022; 10: 136

Single cell RNA sequencing studies identified novel neurodegeneration-associated microglial (MGnD/DAM) subtypes activated around cerebral amyloid plaques. Micro-RNA (miR)-155 of the TREM2-APOE pathway was shown to be a key transcriptional regulator of MGnD microglial phenotype. Despite growing interest in studying manifestations of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the retina, a CNS organ accessible to noninvasive high-resolution imaging, to date MGnD microglia have not been studied in the AD retina. Here, we discovered the presence and increased populations of Clec7a and Galectin-3 MGnD microglia in retinas of transgenic APP/PS1 AD-model mice. Conditionally targeting MGnD microglia by miR-155 ablation via the tamoxifen-inducible Cre system in APP/PS1 mice diminished retinal Clec7a and Galectin-3 microglial populations while increasing homeostatic P2ry12 microglia. Retinal MGnD microglia were often adhering to microvessels; their depletion protected the inner blood-retina barrier and reduced vascular amyloidosis. Microglial miR-155 depletion further limits retinal inflammation. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed enhanced retinal PI3K-Akt signaling and predicted IL-8 and Spp1 decreases in mice with microglia-specific miR-155 knockout. Overall, this study identified MGnD microglia in APP/PS1 mouse retina. Transcriptional regulation of these dysfunctional microglia mitigated retinal inflammation and vasculopathy. The protective effects of microglial miR-155 ablation should shed light on potential treatments for retinal inflammation and vascular damage during AD and other ocular diseases.

Department of Neurosurgery, Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 127 S. San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, A6212, USA.

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