

Ophthalmologe 5

Showing records 1 to 5 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmologe

24296 Measurement of the Disc Area by Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
Haustein M; Schmidt E; Sporl E; Pillunat LE; Bohm AG
Ophthalmologe 2009; 106: 141-148
24295 Functional glaucoma diagnosis
Erb C; Gobel K
Ophthalmologe 2009; 106: 375-386
24297 Sudden visual loss in a 7-year old patient
Brandner M; Lindner S; Langmann A
Ophthalmologe 2009; 106: 252-255
24293 Trabecular meshwork bypass surgery for glaucoma
Dietlein TS; Schild A; Rosentreter A; Jordan JF; Krieglstein GK
Ophthalmologe 2009; 106: 161-163
24294 Suture management after trabeculectomy
Klink T; Grehn F
Ophthalmologe 2009; 106: 364-367

Issue 11-3

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