

Van de Velde S 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Van de Velde S

56207 AMA0076, a novel, locally acting Rho kinase inhibitor, potently lowers intraocular pressure in New Zealand white rabbits with minimal hyperemia
Van de Velde S; Van Bergen T; Sijnave D; Hollanders K; Castermans K; Defert O; Leysen D; Vandewalle E; Moons L; Stalmans I
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2014; 55: 1006-1016
56636 Improving patient outcomes following glaucoma surgery: state of the art and future perspectives
Van Bergen T; Van de Velde S; Vandewalle E; Moons L; Stalmans I
Clinical Ophthalmology 2014; 8: 857-867

Issue 16-1

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