

Ishikawa H 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts from Ishikawa H

59137 In vivo three-dimensional characterization of the healthy human lamina cribrosa with adaptive optics spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
Nadler Z; Wang B; Schuman JS; Ferguson RD; Patel A; Hammer DX; Bilonick RA; Ishikawa H; Kagemann L; Sigal IA; Wollstein G
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2014; 55: 6459-6466
59404 Agreement among graders on Heidelberg retina tomograph (HRT) topographic change analysis (TCA) glaucoma progression interpretation
Iester MM; Wollstein G; Bilonick RA; Xu J; Ishikawa H; Kagemann L; Schuman JS
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2015; 99: 519-523

Issue 16-3

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