

Behtaj S 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display only abstracts from Behtaj S in IGR 22-1

92498 The role of PGS/PCL scaffolds in promoting differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into retinal ganglion cells
Behtaj S; Karamali F; Najafian S; Masaeli E; Esfahani MN; Rybachuk M
Acta biomaterialia 2021; 126: 238-248 (IGR: 22-1)

90503 Retinal Tissue Bioengineering, Materials and Methods for the Treatment of Glaucoma
Behtaj S; Öchsner A; Anissimov YG; Rybachuk M
Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2020; 17: 253-269 (IGR: 21-3)

Issue 22-1

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