

Brubaker JW 24

Showing records 1 to 24 | Display all abstracts from Brubaker JW

106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
Grippo TM
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106359 Bimatoprost Implant Biodegradation in the Phase 3, Randomized, 20-Month ARTEMIS Studies
Weinreb RN
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023; 39: 55-62
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Sarkisian SR
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106359 Bimatoprost Implant Biodegradation in the Phase 3, Randomized, 20-Month ARTEMIS Studies
Bacharach J
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023; 39: 55-62
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Grover DS
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
Töteberg-Harms M
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Gallardo MJ
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
Giovingo M
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106359 Bimatoprost Implant Biodegradation in the Phase 3, Randomized, 20-Month ARTEMIS Studies
Brubaker JW
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023; 39: 55-62
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Brubaker JW
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
Francis BA
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106359 Bimatoprost Implant Biodegradation in the Phase 3, Randomized, 20-Month ARTEMIS Studies
Medeiros FA; Bejanian M
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023; 39: 55-62
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Giamporcaro JE
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
de Crom RRMPC
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106359 Bimatoprost Implant Biodegradation in the Phase 3, Randomized, 20-Month ARTEMIS Studies
Bernstein P
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023; 39: 55-62
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Hornbeak DM
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
Jerkins B; Brubaker JW
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Katz LJ
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106359 Bimatoprost Implant Biodegradation in the Phase 3, Randomized, 20-Month ARTEMIS Studies
Robinson MR
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2023; 39: 55-62
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
An J
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma
Navratil T
Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
Radcliffe N
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83
106098 Effectiveness and Safety of iStent Infinite Trabecular Micro-Bypass for Uncontrolled Glaucoma

Journal of Glaucoma 2023; 32: 9-18
106840 Evidence-Based Consensus Guidelines Series for MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Therapy - Surgical Technique, Post-Operative Care, Expected Outcomes and Retreatment/Enhancements
Noecker R
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023; 17: 71-83

Issue 23-3

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