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Abstract #108072 Published in IGR 23-4

OCT Optic Nerve Head Morphology in Myopia II: Peri-Neural Canal Scleral Bowing and Choroidal Thickness in High Myopia-An American Ophthalmological Society Thesis

Burgoyne CF; Wang YX; Jeoung JW; Hong S; Gardiner S; Reynaud J; Fortune B; Girard MJA; Sharpe G; Nicolela M; Chauhan BC; Yang H
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2023; 252: 225-252

PURPOSE: To use optical coherence tomography (OCT) to characterize optic nerve head (ONH) peri-neural canal (pNC) scleral bowing (pNC-SB) and pNC choroidal thickness (pNC-CT) in 69 highly myopic and 138 healthy, age-matched, control eyes. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, case control study. METHODS: Within ONH radial B-scans, Bruch membrane (BM), BM opening (BMO), anterior scleral canal opening (ASCO), and pNC scleral surface were segmented. BMO and ASCO planes and centroids were determined. pNC-SB was characterized within 30° foveal-BMO (FoBMO) sectors by 2 parameters: pNC-SB-scleral slope (pNC-SB-SS), measured within 3 pNC segments (0-300, 300-700, and 700-1000 μm from the ASCO centroid); and pNC-SB-ASCO depth relative to a pNC scleral reference plane (pNC-SB-ASCOD). pNC-CT was calculated as the minimum distance between the scleral surface and BM at 3 pNC locations (300, 700, and 1100 μm from the ASCO). RESULTS: pNC-SB increased and pNC-CT decreased with axial length (P < .0133; P < .0001) and age (P < .0211; P < .0004) among all study eyes. pNC-SB was increased (P < .001) and pNC-CT was decreased (P < .0279) in the highly myopic compared to control eyes, and these differences were greatest in the inferior quadrant sectors (P < .0002). Sectoral pNC-SB was not related to sectoral pNC-CT in control eyes, but was inversely related to sectoral pNC-CT (P < .0001) in the highly myopic eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that pNC-SB is increased and pNC-CT is decreased in highly myopic eyes and that these phenomena are greatest in the inferior sectors. They support the hypothesis that sectors of maximum pNC-SB may predict sectors of greatest susceptibility to aging and glaucoma in future longitudinal studies of highly myopic eyes.

From the Devers Eye Institute Optic Nerve Head Research Laboratory (C.F., J.R., H.Y.), Legacy Research Institute, Portland, Oregon, USA; Devers Eye Institute Discoveries in Sight Research Laboratories (C.F.B., S.G., J.R., B.F., H.Y.), Legacy Research Institute, Portland, Oregon, USA. Electronic address:

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