

Heijl A 4

Showing records 1 to 4 | Display all abstracts from Heijl A

47929 The effect of education on the assessment of optic nerve head photographs for the glaucoma diagnosis
Andersson S; Heijl A; Boehm AG; Bengtsson B
BMC Ophthalmology 2011; 11: 12
48386 Optic disc classification by the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph and by physicians with varying experience of glaucoma
Andersson S; Heijl A; Bengtsson B
Eye 2011; 25: 1401-1407
48303 Intraocular pressure reduction with a fixed treatment protocol in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial
Heijl A; Leske MC; Hyman L; Yang Z; Bengtsson B; for the EMGT Group
Acta Ophthalmologica 2011; 89: 749-754
48016 Glaucoma management in Sweden - results from a nationwide survey
Linden C; Bengtsson B; Alm A; Calissendorff B; Eckerlund I; Heijl A
Acta Ophthalmologica 2011;

Issue 13-4

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