
WGA Rescources

Friedman DS 8

Showing records 1 to 8 | Display all abstracts from Friedman DS

50861 Genome-wide analysis of central corneal thickness in primary open-angle glaucoma cases in the NEIGHBOR and GLAUGEN consortia
Ulmer M; Li J; Yaspan BL; Ozel AB; Richards JE; Moroi SE; Hawthorne F; Budenz DL; Friedman DS; Gaasterland D; Haines J; Kang JH; Lee R; Lichter P; Liu Y; Pasquale LR; Pericak-Vance M; Realini A; Schuman JS; Singh K; Vollrath D; Weinreb R; Wollstein G; Zac
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 4468-4474
51013 The NEIGHBOR Consortium Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Genome-wide Association Study: Rationale, Study Design, and Clinical Variables
Wiggs JL; Hauser MA; Abdrabou W; Allingham RR; Budenz DL; Delbono E; Friedman DS; Kang JH; Gaasterland D; Gaasterland T; Lee RK; Lichter PR; Loomis S; Liu Y; McCarty C; Medeiros FA; Moroi SE; Olson LM; Realini A; Richards JE; Rozsa FW; Schuman JS; Singh K; Stein JD; Vollrath D; Weinreb RN; Wollstein G; Yaspan BL; Yoneyama S; Zack D; Zhang K; Pericak-Vance M; Pasquale LR; Haines JL
Journal of Glaucoma 2013; 22: 517-525
51271 Intraocular pressure and its relationship to ocular and systemic factors in a healthy Chinese rural population: the Handan Eye Study
Zhou Q; Liang YB; Wong TY; Yang XH; Lian L; Zhu D; Sun LP; Wang NL; Friedman DS
Ophthalmic Epidemiology 2012; 19: 278-284
50769 Determinants of lens vault and association with narrow angles in patients from Singapore
Tan GS; He M; Zhao W; Sakata LM; Li J; Nongpiur ME; Lavanya R; Friedman DS; Aung T
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2012; 154: 39-46
51203 Comparison of EyeCam and anterior segment optical coherence tomography in detecting angle closure
Baskaran M; Aung T; Friedman DS; Tun TA; Perera SA
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e621-e625
51183 In vivo analysis of vectors involved in pupil constriction in Chinese subjects with angle closure
Zheng C; Cheung CY; Aung T; Narayanaswamy A; Ong SH; Friedman DS; Allen JC; Baskaran M; Chew PT; Perera SA
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 6756-6762
50756 Visual symptoms and retinal straylight after laser peripheral iridotomy: the Zhongshan Angle-Closure Prevention Trial
Congdon N; Yan X; Friedman DS; Foster PJ; van den Berg TJ; Peng M; Gangwani R; He M
Ophthalmology 2012; 119: 1375-1382
50751 Changes in anterior segment morphology after laser peripheral iridotomy: an anterior segment optical coherence tomography study
How AC; Baskaran M; Kumar RS; He M; Foster PJ; Lavanya R; Wong HT; Chew PT; Friedman DS; Aung T
Ophthalmology 2012; 119: 1383-1387

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