

Hosari S 22

Showing records 1 to 22 | Display only abstracts from Hosari S in IGR 22-2

108042 APSified OCT-angiography analysis: Macula vessel density in healthy eyes during office hours
Müller M; Schottenhamml J; Hosari S; Hosari S; Hohberger B; Mardin CY
PLoS ONE 2023; 18: e0282827 (IGR: 23-4)

94314 Agonistic autoantibodies against ß2-adrenergic receptor influence retinal microcirculation in glaucoma suspects and patients
Hohberger B; Hosari S; Hosari S; Wallukat G; Kunze R; Krebs J; Müller M; Hennig T; Lämmer R; Horn F; Muñoz LE; Herrmann M; Mardin C
PLoS ONE 2021; 16: e0249202 (IGR: 22-2)

92530 Serum Selenium Levels in Glaucoma: a Pilot Study
Lucio M
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2022; 239: 326-330 (IGR: 22-1)

92569 OCT-angiography: Regional reduced macula microcirculation in ocular hypertensive and pre-perimetric glaucoma patients
Hohberger B
PLoS ONE 2021; 16: e0246469 (IGR: 22-1)

92530 Serum Selenium Levels in Glaucoma: a Pilot Study
Fick A
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2022; 239: 326-330 (IGR: 22-1)

92569 OCT-angiography: Regional reduced macula microcirculation in ocular hypertensive and pre-perimetric glaucoma patients
Lucio M
PLoS ONE 2021; 16: e0246469 (IGR: 22-1)

92530 Serum Selenium Levels in Glaucoma: a Pilot Study
Michalke B
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2022; 239: 326-330 (IGR: 22-1)

92569 OCT-angiography: Regional reduced macula microcirculation in ocular hypertensive and pre-perimetric glaucoma patients
Schlick S; Wollborn A
PLoS ONE 2021; 16: e0246469 (IGR: 22-1)

92530 Serum Selenium Levels in Glaucoma: a Pilot Study
Laemmer R
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2022; 239: 326-330 (IGR: 22-1)

92569 OCT-angiography: Regional reduced macula microcirculation in ocular hypertensive and pre-perimetric glaucoma patients
Hosari S
PLoS ONE 2021; 16: e0246469 (IGR: 22-1)

92530 Serum Selenium Levels in Glaucoma: a Pilot Study
Hosari S; Hosari S
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2022; 239: 326-330 (IGR: 22-1)

92569 OCT-angiography: Regional reduced macula microcirculation in ocular hypertensive and pre-perimetric glaucoma patients
Hosari S; Mardin C
PLoS ONE 2021; 16: e0246469 (IGR: 22-1)

92530 Serum Selenium Levels in Glaucoma: a Pilot Study
Hohberger B
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2022; 239: 326-330 (IGR: 22-1)

82654 Autoantibodies Activating the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Characterize Patients With Primary and Secondary Glaucoma
Hohberger B
Frontiers in immunology 2019; 10: 2112 (IGR: 20-4)

82394 OCT Angiography: Measurement of Retinal Macular Microvasculature with Spectralis II OCT Angiography - Reliability and Reproducibility
Hosari S; Hosari S
Ophthalmologica 2020; 243: 75-84 (IGR: 20-4)

82654 Autoantibodies Activating the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Characterize Patients With Primary and Secondary Glaucoma
Kunze R
Frontiers in immunology 2019; 10: 2112 (IGR: 20-4)

82394 OCT Angiography: Measurement of Retinal Macular Microvasculature with Spectralis II OCT Angiography - Reliability and Reproducibility
Hohberger B; Theelke L
Ophthalmologica 2020; 243: 75-84 (IGR: 20-4)

82654 Autoantibodies Activating the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Characterize Patients With Primary and Secondary Glaucoma
Wallukat G
Frontiers in immunology 2019; 10: 2112 (IGR: 20-4)

82394 OCT Angiography: Measurement of Retinal Macular Microvasculature with Spectralis II OCT Angiography - Reliability and Reproducibility
Sari H
Ophthalmologica 2020; 243: 75-84 (IGR: 20-4)

82654 Autoantibodies Activating the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Characterize Patients With Primary and Secondary Glaucoma
Kara K; Mardin CY
Frontiers in immunology 2019; 10: 2112 (IGR: 20-4)

82394 OCT Angiography: Measurement of Retinal Macular Microvasculature with Spectralis II OCT Angiography - Reliability and Reproducibility
Lucio M; Mardin CY
Ophthalmologica 2020; 243: 75-84 (IGR: 20-4)

82654 Autoantibodies Activating the β2-Adrenergic Receptor Characterize Patients With Primary and Secondary Glaucoma
Lämmer R; Schlötzer-Schrehardt U; Hosari S; Hosari S; Horn F; Munoz L; Herrmann M
Frontiers in immunology 2019; 10: 2112 (IGR: 20-4)

Issue 22-2

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