

Cho SH 4

Showing records 1 to 4 | Display only abstracts from Cho SH in IGR 22-2

95308 Ocular Comorbidities in Rosacea: A Case-Control Study Based on Seven Institutions
Woo YR; Cho M; Ju HJ; Bae JM; Cho SH; Lee JD; Kim HS
Journal of clinical medicine 2021; 10: (IGR: 22-2)

79350 A deep learning model for the detection of both advanced and early glaucoma using fundus photography
Ahn JM; Kim S; Ahn KS; Cho SH; Lee KB; Kim US
PLoS ONE 2018; 13: e0207982 (IGR: 20-2)

78186 Peripapillary Vessel Density Reversal after Trabeculectomy in Glaucoma
In JH; Lee SY; Cho SH; Hong YJ
Journal of Ophthalmology 2018; 2018: 8909714 (IGR: 19-4)

66488 The Characteristics of Lamina Cribrosa Defects in Myopic Eyes With and Without Open-Angle Glaucoma
Han JC; Cho SH; Sohn DY; Kee C
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 486-494 (IGR: 17-3)

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