

11.1 General management, indication (12)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.1 General management, indication

Search within classification 11.1 General management, indication
11927 Acute effects of glaucoma medications on rat intraocular pressure
Pang IH; Wang WH; Clark AF
Experimental Eye Research 2005; 80: 207-214
11885 Results of the European Glaucoma Prevention Study
Miglior S; Zeyen T; Pfeiffer N; Cunha-Vaz J; Torri V; Adamsons I; European Glaucoma Prevention Study (EGPS) Group
Ophthalmology 2005; 112: 366-375
11676 Suggested formula for setting target intraocular pressure
Aquino MV
Asian Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 6: 2-6
11697 Prospective survey of adverse reactions to topical antiglaucoma medications in a hospital population
Bhatt R; Whittaker KW; Appaswamy S; Desai A; Fitt A; Sandramouli S
Eye 2005; 19: 392-395
11725 Glaucoma medication and aqueous humor dynamics
Crowston JG; Weinreb RN
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2005; 16: 94-100
11815 Preferences for eye drop characteristics among glaucoma specialists: a willingness-to-pay analysis
Jampel HD; Parekh P; Johnson E; Robin AL; Miller RB
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 151-156
11828 The effect of combination pharmacotherapy on the prescription trends of glaucoma medications
Kaiserman I; Kaiserman N; Nakar S; Vinker S
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 157-160
12093 Gold standard medical therapy for glaucoma: defining the criteria identifying measures for an evidence-based analysis
Obstbaum SA; Cioffi GA; Krieglstein GK; Fennerty MB; Alm A; Araie M; Carassa RG; Greve EL; Hitchings RA; Kaufman PL
Clinical Therapeutics 2004; 26: 2102-2120
11943 Symmetry of fellow-eye intraocular pressure responses to topical glaucoma medications
Realini T; Vickers WR
Ophthalmology 2005; 112: 599-602
11966 The medical management of glaucoma: What we have learned from clinical research trials to aid us in choosing first-line therapy
Schacknow PN
Clinical and Surgical Ophthalmology 2003; 21: 448-454
12033 Medication use and retinal vessel diameters
Wong TY; Knudtson MD; Klein BE; Klein R; Hubbard LD
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2005; 139: 373-375
12041 New therapies for glaucoma: Are they all up to the task?
Yorio T; Dibas A
Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 2004; 14: 1743-1762

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