
WGA Rescources

11.7 Treatment of bloodflow (3)

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Display all abstracts in classification 11.7 Treatment of bloodflow

Search within classification 11.7 Treatment of bloodflow
11869 Effect of nimodipine on ocular blood flow and colour contrast sensitivity in patients with normal tension glaucoma
Luksch A; Rainer G; Koyuncu D; Ehrlich P; Maca T; Gschwandtner ME; Vass C; Schmetterer L
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2005; 89: 21-25
11773 Amelioration of endothelin-1-induced optic nerve head ischemia by topical bunazosin
Goto W; Oku H; Okuno T; Sugiyama T; Ikeda T
Current Eye Research 2005; 30: 81-91
11898 Adequacy of prescribing the disaggregants in vascular pathology of the eye fundus and in primary open-angle glaucoma
Mukha AI
Vestnik Oftalmologii 2005; 121: 30-33

Issue 7-1

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