

9.3.1 Acute primary angle closure glaucoma (pupillary block) (2)

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Display all abstracts in classification 9.3.1 Acute primary angle closure glaucoma (pupillary block)

Search within classification 9.3.1 Acute primary angle closure glaucoma (pupillary block)
12084 Headaches as the main presenting symptom of subacute angle closure glaucoma
Nesher R; Epstein E; Stern Y; Assia E; Nesher G
Headache 2005; 45: 172-176
12037 Choroidal expansion as a mechanism for acute primary angle closure: an investigation into the change of biometric parameters in the first 2 weeks
Yang M; Aung T; Husain R; Chan YH; Lim LS; Seah SK; Gazzard G
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2005; 89: 288-290

Issue 7-1

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