
WGA Rescources

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 4

Showing records 1 to 4 | Display all abstracts in Progress in Retinal and Eye Research

11893 Understanding mechanisms of pressure-induced optic nerve damage
Morrison JC; Johnson EC; Cepurna W; Jia L
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2005; 24: 217-240
11711 The optic nerve head as a biomechanical structure: a new paradigm for understanding the role of IOP-related stress and strain in the pathophysiology of glaucomatous optic nerve head damage
Burgoyne CF; Downs JC; Bellezza AJ; Suh JK; Hart RT
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2005; 24: 39-73
11995 Optic nerve oxygenation
Stefansson E; Pedersen DB; Jensen PK; la Cour M; Kiilgaard JF; Bang K; Eysteinsson T
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2005; 24: 307-332
11679 Longitudinal changes in the visual field and optic disc in glaucoma
Artes PH; Chauhan BC
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2005; 24: 333-354

Issue 7-1

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