

Abstract #12716 Published in IGR 7-3

Advantage of using echography for optic nerve head estimation of glaucoma patients

Krajka Lauer J; Lipowski P; Kokot W
Klinika Oczna 2005; 107: 289-291

PURPOSE: To evaluate the possibility and advantages of using echography for optic nerve head estimation of glaucoma patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 146 patients (146 eyes) - group A and 20 glaucoma patients (24 eyes)- group B underwent ultrasound investigation. On B-scan the optic nerve head was evaluated with the help of 10 MHz probe. In the patients with the possibility of glaucoma with transparent ocular media the C/D ratio was measured. RESULTS: In 6 patients of group A large cup of the optic disc was detected, which correlated with the eye fundus picture. In group B only in one case there was no correlation between echographic image of the optic cup and the eye fundus picture. CONCLUSIONS: During the ultrasound investigation of the eyes of patients before cataract extraction, corneal transplantation or vitreoretinal surgery we suggest the echography imaging of the optic cup as a routine procedure, which will be helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. LA: Polish

Dr. J. Krajka Lauer, Z Katedry i Kliniki Chorob Oczu Akademii Medycznej w Gdansku, Poland


6.12 Ultrasonography and ultrasound biomicroscopy (Part of: 6 Clinical examination methods)

Issue 7-3

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