

Abstract #108441 Published in IGR 23-4

Patients with Low-vision Struggle with Placing Eye Drops and Benefit from an Eye Drop Aid

Grissom N; Gardiner SK; Rees JP; Sanchez FG; Sanchez FG; Mansberger SL; Cunningham ET; Burgoyne CF; Rice K; Belter C; Kinast RM
Ophthalmology. Glaucoma 2023; 6: 501-508

See also comment(s) by Andrew Tatham & Celia Alcalde

PURPOSE: To evaluate eye drop self-administration in a low-vision patient population and test whether a nose-pivoted drop delivery device (NPDD, GentleDrop) can improve eye drop delivery in these patients. DESIGN: Repeated-measures case series. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty subjects (58 eyes) with low vision, defined as best-corrected visual acuity worse than 20/60 or visual field worse than 20° in the better-seeing eye. METHODS: We video-recorded subjects while self-administering eye drops using their own traditional delivery at baseline, after a standardized teaching, and with an NPDD. Two masked graders independently reviewed each drop delivery. Primary success was defined as the drop reaching the eye without the bottle touching the eye or eyelids. Subjects rated ease-of-use (1-10 scale, 10 = easiest) after each drop delivery and completed a satisfaction survey, which included asking whether subjects could place drops independently (1-5 scale, 5 = most independent). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Logistic-transformed generalized estimating equation regression to compare technique satisfaction, ease-of-use, independence, no contact, and success. RESULTS: Primary success was observed in 30 (52%) of 58 eyes at baseline and increased to 44 eyes (76%) with an NPDD (P = 0.013). Bottle tip contact occurred in 23 (40%) of 58 eyes at baseline and 8 eyes (14%) with an NPDD (P = 0.004). Mean ease-of-use scores were 6.7 ± 3.1 at baseline and 8.3 ± 1.8 (P < 0.001) with an NPDD. Likewise, the NPDD improved success, bottle tip contact, and ease-of-use compared with post-teaching traditional delivery (P < 0.01). Twenty-two (73%) of 30 subjects preferred the NPDD to traditional delivery. Twenty-nine (97%) thought the NPDD was comfortable to use, and all would recommend the device. A subgroup analysis was performed on 16 subjects that self-reported difficulty instilling drops at baseline. The NPDD showed similar results, and it increased confidence in placing drops independently (4.6 ± 0.9) compared with baseline (2.7 ± 1.6, P < 0.001). Fifteen (94%) subjects in this subgroup preferred the NPDD. CONCLUSIONS: Low-vision subjects struggled to self-administer eye drops. An NPDD can improve bottle tip contact, ease-of-use, satisfaction, and independence. Eye care providers could consider screening low-vision patients about difficulty with eye drop self-administration and recommending eye drop aids. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references.

Legacy Devers Eye Institute, Portland, Oregon.

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